Information about Donating property in Spain

Donating your property
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
We have written before about the benefits of donating or ‘gifting’ your assets rather than bequeathing them when you die. ‘Donación de bienes’ is an alternative way of handing over your property...
Donating your property in Spain
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Making sure your loved ones benefit from your hard-earned money is a priority for the majority. You can’t take it with you but it’s nice to have control over who you’re leaving it to.   For some, ‘...
Brexit implication donating your spanish assets
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Most of our British clients are worried about the implications of Brexit. In this article we look at some possible tax consequences in Spain; helping you take matters in hand and provide peace of...
Spain Explained by Ábaco Advisers

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