In accordance with articles from 15 to 22 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 on Protection of Personal Details, and article 10 of the Law 34/2002 of July 11th on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the user is informed that the personal data provided by him/her will be incorporated to an automated data file which belongs to ÁBACO ASESORÍA LEGAL Y FISCAL S.L., duly registered in the Spanish Agency of Data Protection and these details shall be used for management, administration, offer, extension and improvement of the services offered, the adaptation of these to the preferences and likes of the users, the design of our services, the remittance of technical, operational or commercial information about the services offered by ÁBACO ASESORÍA LEGAL Y FISCAL S.L., currently and in the future, by any means, including the remittance of e-mails or text messages through any system such as SMS.
The users may exercise their right of access, rectification and cancellation, as well as object to the use of their personal details for promotional purposes for free, by notifying this expressly together with a photocopy of the user’s ID, sent by e-mail to or by post to the following address: ÁBACO ASESORÍA LEGAL Y FISCAL S.L., C/ María Parodi 8-3º, 03181, Torrevieja (Alicante), España.
When the user is required to complete a form with personal data, he/she will be informed of the recipient of that information, as well as the purpose of the collection of the data, the identity and address of the person in charge of the file, and of his/her faculty to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection to the use of their personal data. The personal details assembled shall only be used or transferred for the indicated purpose, always having the consent of the user.
ÁBACO ASESORÍA LEGAL Y FISCAL S.L. has adopted the necessary technical measures in order to keep the required level of security depending on the nature of the personal data and the circumstances of the use, with a view to avoid, as far as possible and always depending on the state of the art, its alteration, loss, and non authorised use or access.
So the information contained within the files of ÁBACO ASESORÍA LEGAL Y FISCAL S.L. can always be up to date and without errors, it will be necessary that the users inform as soon as possible of any changes or rectifications of their personal details.