Information about spanish tax forms

Spanish Tax Form declaration 720
Friday, February 2, 2018
The 720 asset declaration form was first introduced for the income year 2012. It requires residents living in Spain to record their assets over a specific value that are held in other countries. It...
720 asset declaration form
Thursday, January 8, 2015
It’s two years ago that foreigners living in Spain were first introduced to the 720 asset declaration form. In case you are blissfully unaware, the 720 is a form on which foreigners living in Spain...
What you need to complete the Spanish 720 asset declaration form
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
You’ve got your ticket, you’ve waited in the queue, you get to the ‘funcionario’, and guess what? You haven’t got the right paper work. There always seems to be something you’ve forgotten; not had...
Getting ready for the Spanish 720
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
It sounds a little like a bus route, the 720. The publicity surrounding its introduction last year certainly made it a household name, at least amongst the expat population. However, just in case you...
The second round of the Spanish 720
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Last year around this time, there was great consternation amongst many foreigners living in Spain. The requirement to complete the 720 asset declaration form really shook the community. In case you...
Spain Explained by Ábaco Advisers

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