Information about Spanish inheritance tax

Leaving everything in order
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
If you have property in Spain you will want to have arrangements in place so that everything goes smoothly when you die. It's a difficult subject, but failing to prepare can leave your inheritors...
Make sure you meet the inheritance deadline
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
When someone close to you dies the last thing you want to have to think about are the legal arrangements. Unfortunately, however great the pain might be, time is already ticking on the inheritance...
Positive trends for inheritance and donation tax
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Residents and non-residents inheriting or donating property in Spain used to be treated differently when it came to tax. However, following pressure from the European Commission, a modified law was...
Spanish Inheritance tax
Monday, October 30, 2017
Until recently residents and non-residents inheriting property in Spain were treated differently when it came to inheritance tax. However, following pressure from the European Commission a modified...
Inheritance tax vs gift tax
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Making sure your loved ones benefit from your hard-earned money is a priority for the majority. You can’t take it with you but it’s nice to have control over who you’re leaving it to. For some, ‘...
How much might the inheritance tax be?
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
If you have property in Spain you will be keen to ensure that your inheritors are not burdened with a large Spanish inheritance tax bill when you die. Leaving property in Spain brings different tax...
Ask Ábaco about inheritance
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Two changes within Spanish law have meant that our inheritance department has been very busy this year. In our question and answer section we try to address some of the queries that we have been...
Changes to inheritance tax in Spain
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Inheritance in Spain works very differently to how it works in many other countries. For example, even between spouses there is no automatic transfer of ownership. If one of you should die then the...
A guide to Spanish inheritance
Friday, April 7, 2017
It might be uncomfortable to do, but it is important that you make plans that will help those you leave behind. There are many differences in the way inheritance works in Spain in comparison to...
Spanish inheritance tax
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
It’s been a recurring theme in the news, non-residents have been treated differently to residents when it comes to Spanish inheritance tax. After plenty of public attention, at last the law in Spain...
Spain Explained by Ábaco Advisers

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